Maria Ramirez

Meet Maria Ramirez! She is a caregiver in the Columbia, MO region.

 “My passion comes from giving the client their best life. Protecting them and keeping their house sparkling and smelling wonderful. Just making sure clients stay safe and have a wonderful life.”

“Reagan, a Phoenix Home Care & Hospice recruiter, called me immediately after I posted my resume. The orientation was amazing. I will always choose Phoenix Home Care & Hospice.” 

“Phoenix is a big family. We have special teams and very special clients. Come work here.” 

 “X-Factor means growing and learning. It means providing continuous special care and continued education for something you love. We will need to continue to learn and grow. “

Thank you for all you do for our clients, Maria!

Interested in an opportunity to serve with Phoenix Home Care & Hospice like Maria? Apply today at or call/text a recruiter at 855-881-7442.

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