Mendy Dollar, RN

Meet Mendy Dollar, RN from Joplin. Mendy has a huge heart and passion for home care. We are so thankful to have her onboard at Phoenix! 

When asked what gives her passion to do what she does, Mendy said, “I knew from a young age that I was chosen to be a healer. God has always placed me where I was supposed to be to be a healer and an advocate for those who do not have a voice. I am their voice.” 

We also asked Mendy, why Home Care and why Phoenix? “Being in the home allows me to get to know the family and their needs. Phoenix Allows me to be a true nurse and advocate for not just the patient, but the whole of the family. They understand real life!”

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Stephanie E., PTA

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Spotlights & Testimonials

Christine C., RN

Meet Christine, a Registered Nurse from our Independence, MO region! We asked her, “What gives you the passion to do what you do?” She said,

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