Tasha Smith, LPN

Meet Tasha Smith, LPN in our Independence region!

“I have the passion to do what I do because quite simply, I am blessed. I am thankful for my blessings and want to help be a blessing to others. My wonderful husband is very loving and supportive. My children are beautiful, happy, and healthy. My parents have always set a very good example of what it means to genuinely care and show Christ’s love to others. They have inspired me to be caring, to help others, and to be thankful for my blessings. My youngest brother has Autism and he is Amazing. He inspires me to treat others with kindness, respect, and compassion.”

“Home care offers the unique opportunity of being able to provide thorough top quality care on a individualized basis. In my case, I have been with the same client for about 2 1/2 years. My client and her family are very special to me. I try to be a blessing to my client and her family, but taking care of my client brings joy to my life as well.”

“I work with a fantastic group of nurses. We all put the needs and comfort of our client first. Everyone works well together, is flexible, and tries to help each other out and work together to help make life better for the client and to keep things running smoothly. They are outstanding!”

“The X-Factor is going above and beyond to treat the client, the, family, and co-workers as you would like to be treated, trying to make their lives easier and less stressful, bringing joy to others, being genuine, having compassion, and being thoughtful and considerate.”

Stop by our Independence office any time!

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