Phoenix Home Care Pharmacy in Branson, Missouri

If your loved ones are aging or dealing with chronic illnesses, a stable medication regimen is one of the most important parts of their long-term wellness. Juggling medications can be difficult for anyone, but it’s especially difficult for older individuals as they often have several medications and may take them at different times during the day. At Phoenix Home Care & Hospice, our pharmacy is another program we are excited to offer to help keep our patients happy and healthy.

Monthly Phone Calls

For many patients, refills are one of the most frustrating things about managing a medication regimen. With multiple medications needing constant refills, it’s easy to forget to refill a prescription. However, forgetting to refill needed medications can put clients in a precarious position. The problems becomes even worse if your pharmacy is slow to coordinate with your physician. At Phoenix Home Care and Hospice, we’ve eliminated that concern. Patients who use Phoenix Pharmacy services have a team of pharmacy professionals who are managing the refill process for them. After filling the prescriptions, we arrange delivery to our patients’ homes, ensuring each person always has the medications they need on time. And, since each medication is refilled at the same time, patients don’t have to worry about going to the pharmacy multiple times each month – or at all.

Communication with Pharmacy Professionals

We want to make sure that our patients are receiving the correct medications at all times. That’s why our pharmacy experts call each patient every month prior to sending medication refills, giving our patients a chance to notify us if their medication regimen has been altered. The staff at Phoenix Home Care Pharmacy also works closely with each physician involved to ensure proper coordination of care.

If you have questions about changes to your prescription, our team of trained pharmacy experts will work with you to make sure you understand them. Additionally, if your medication needs changed, our pharmacy team will collaborate with your physicians to ensure that everything goes smoothly. We work swiftly to ensure you have the medication you need,

Managing Medications with WellPack

WellPack is Phoenix Pharmacy’s medication delivery system specifically designed to help individuals navigate their daily medications. Each WellPack contains individual pouches that store the majority of your maintenance medications. The pouches are then sorted by times of day in compliance with your doctor’s prescription instructions. By conveniently sorting your medications, the WellPack ensures you are taking your medications the way your doctor recommended. The best part? The WellPack medication management program doesn’t carry any additional fees. Clients simply pay the prescription co-pays set by their insurance companies.

Phoenix Home Care Pharmacy offered from the Branson, Missouri Office by County

Keeping all Missouri Residents Well One Pack at a Time