Angie Lange, CNA

Meet Angie Lange, CNA in our Joplin Region!

“I go into my clients homes and treat them the way I would treat them if they were my own family. I also go into their home with a positive attitude and a smile on my face. I have always been a caring and passionate person. I put others before my own needs. I get told I can make a person that is down feel better once they see my smiling face.”

“I chose Phoenix because I’m wanting to grow and I believe that I am growing with them. I love helping others and I wanted to work for a company that put their clients needs before their own needs. I’m happy that I made the change. My family likes that I am back to the way I used to be.”

“Go into your clients home and make them feel comfortable about you being there. If they ask you questions, just answer them the best you can,” said Angie when asked what she would tell others contemplating about working at Phoenix Home Care.

“The X-Factor for me means show your clients that you are willing to try new things. I always go into my clients home with passion and honesty with my client.”

Stop by our Joplin office today!

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