Chelsea Pearson

Meet Chelsea Pearson! Chelsea is an exceptional caregiver in the Independence region!

“The desire to make a positive impact in the lives of my clients gives me the passion to do what I do. Providing comfort and care to the ill and the hurting. I was called to do this and I love every minute of it!”

“I get to watch my clients THRIVE in their own homes and while doing so Phoenix has made me feel at home as well. I’ve worked in many different environments in my 11 years in healthcare and Phoenix just FEELS like home to me!”

Chelsea would like to tell others contemplating working at Phoenix-“Best decision you will ever make! We welcome you with open arms!”

“The X Factor drives me to make a difference. Good CNAs aren’t always found in a nursing facility, sometimes they are found right here, in home care!”

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Angelique, LPN

Congratulations to Angelique, our Springfield office’s latest Nurse of the Month! Angelique has been with Phoenix since 2022, and we have been privileged to have

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