Gifts for Hospice Patients

One of the many benefits of hospice care is the quality time it provides patients and their loved ones. If someone you know is in hospice, look for ways to create new memories with your loved one and show them your love and appreciation. Gift giving can lighten the mood and create a reason to celebrate, even if it’s just for a few moments. However, finding appropriate gifts for hospice patients can be tricky. If you’re struggling to pinpoint the perfect present, use our list below for help. 

Digital Photo Frames

One way to connect your loved one with the wider world is through a digital photo frame. Simply set up the frame in a prime spot, such as near their bed, and upload photos during the week. Many digital photo frames have an app you can download to your smartphone, so you can snap a selfie or a photo of the family and upload it to the digital frame immediately. This is a wonderful and easy way to share your current adventures and memories with your loved one.


Depending on the patient’s medical needs, puzzles can be a great way to spend time together. Find a puzzle with a subject matter your loved one is interested in, and surprise them with it the next time you stop by. The two of you can work on the puzzle together during each visit and enjoy the progress you make.

Digital Voice Recorder

A patient’s stay in hospice can range from a few days to several months, and for many patients, that time gives them a chance to reflect back on their life and many adventures. One way to capture those memories is with a digital voice recorder. Simply drop it off, and let them record whatever memories come to their mind. This is also a great way to spend your visits together. Record your conversations and ask questions about your loved one’s life: their family, friends, hobbies, travels, accomplishments, opinions, etc. Once the conversation gets going, you might be surprised by what you learn.

Scented Candles

Candles are a simple but excellent choice when selecting gifts for hospice patients because they can create a soothing, welcoming atmosphere for patients and their families. You could even bring a new candle every week or two to create a new routine and provide the patient with something to look forward to. As an added bonus, choose candles with a meaning. For example, you could bring a candle that smells like your loved one’s favorite flower, a tropical candle to bring back memories of the beach, or a holiday-scented candle if Christmas is coming up.


You can never have too many blankets. Especially with the variety available today, blankets can be colorful, soft and cuddly, themed, or simply warm and cozy. If you find a blanket that reminds you of your loved one, give it to them as a gift the next time you visit. Not only will it bring them warmth and comfort, but it will also be a nice reminder of you.

Hot Water Bottle Covers

This might seem outdated, but don’t snub this gift just yet. A lot of hospice care involves soothing aches and pains with hot water bottles. And while these devices are wonderfully effective, they’re often unattractive. Not surprisingly, people have come up with some really clever and downright darling ways to spruce up the classic hot water bottle. Just check out the selection of handmade covers available on Etsy. There are knitted covers, covers shaped like animals, covers with polka dots, and much more.

Therapy Animals

If your loved one adores pets, surprise them with a special visit from a therapy animal. Therapy animals are great gifts for hospice patients and offer an interactive way to brighten their day and create a wonderful new memory. And it’s not just the patients who benefit – an animal’s unconditional love and boundless joy is often contagious and can help family members and friends de-stress.


If your loved one requires hospice care or you’d like to learn more about the type of care included in this service, don’t hesitate to contact Phoenix Home Care. Our team of medical professionals can walk you through the hospice services we offer and determine what care will improve your quality of life today. Contact our main office by calling 855-881-7442.

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