Home and Community Based Services

It’s often said that there is no place like home. With home and community based services, qualifying people who need a little assistance with daily activities can get the help that they need without having to move to an institution like a skilled nursing facility. This assistance often makes it possible for older adults and people with disabilities to remain in their own homes and communities.

Could you or someone you love benefit from home and community based services? Designed to provide a helping hand to those who need some assistance in order to function independently, these services, which are often referred to as HCBS services, can make a major difference in the lives of those who obtain them.

What HCBS Includes

For people dealing with an injury, disability, or the infirmities that come with old age, handling basic tasks can be challenging. Everyday chores that most people take for granted like bathing, grooming, fixing meals, doing laundry, and tidying up can be both difficult and dangerous. A slip in the tub could result in a bad fall. On the other hand, poor hygiene can lead to infections and illness. A forgotten pot on the stove could cause a fire, but skipping meals or relying on unhealthy alternatives can compromise a person’s health. What makes laundry and housework hazardous? It’s easy to trip and fall when a laundry basket blocks your view of your feet, and the movements required to clean a space can be tricky if you have balance issues, joint problems, or mobility issues.

While the exact nature of HCBS care varies depending on the recipient’s needs and the provider’s offerings, these services can include the following:

  • Help with personal care matters like bathing, dressing, and grooming
  • Support for advanced personal care
  • Assistance with meal preparation and cleanup
  • Aid with laundry and light housekeeping tasks
  • Help with grocery shopping and basic errands
  • Financial management services
  • Transportation assistance
  • Support with durable medical equipment
  • Assistance in transferring and with range of motion
  • Respite and advanced respite care
  • Maintenance nursing that may include assessment, wellness monitoring, and medication set-ups
  • Specialized medical care and skilled nursing services

Types of HCBS

When it comes to HCBS services, there are different types to consider. Agency-directed services are provided and overseen by an organization. The patient contracts with an organization, and the organization handles staffing, scheduling, and other details to ensure that the necessary services are delivered. With self-directed services, which are also referred to as consumer-directed services, the recipient of the services acts as the employer. The individual can hire and direct their own attendants. Waiver services are services that make it possible for people with limited financial resources to get the help that they require; depending on the program, these can be directed by either an agency or the consumer.

The Benefits of HCBS

Providing HCBS services to those who need them benefits the public, the recipients, and the people who care about them. According to the AARP, a review of studies of HCBS care show that it is a cost-effective way to provide care, which means that it is an efficient use of health care dollars. HCBS services allow those who receive them to maintain more of their independence and to continue to live in their homes and communities. These services are also a huge help to the family and friends of recipients. Without them, loved ones often struggle to fulfill the role of caregiver. HCBS eases that burden and provides welcome peace of mind.

If you believe that you or someone you love might benefit from home and community based services, reach out to Phoenix Home Care. A trusted provider of home care services, we understand the importance of honest, compassionate care. We provide agency-directed, self-directed, and HCBS waiver services, and we would be happy to help you explore the possibilities. We thrive on helping people reach their full potential, so assisting you in discovering the option that best fits your needs would be our pleasure. Contact us today to learn more.

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