Message from Phil

Hi Everyone!

It’s hard to believe that the holidays are behind us.  As I reflect briefly on the holidays I think of all of our Christmas gifts that came in all shapes and sizes for each of us.  I know for our family, it was a joyous time. Each person put so much thought into the gifts they purchased.  We enjoyed seeing everyone open them and truly appreciate the givers.

But the best gifts of the season were not purchased.  One of my very favorites came from my son when he asked if he and I could run up to the ranch for just a couple of days and hunt. . . just the two of us. The gift of a son wanting to spend time with his father is a totally awesome gift. I think back over our lifetime together. .  soccer games, early morning practices, late night projects, moments of joy and sadness.  I think about the times when it wasn’t “convenient” to take the kids with us….when Kimberly stayed home so I could go somewhere or, when we loaded a diaper bag to overflowing just so everyone could go along.  I think about the times we adapted plans to make our travel or our going-out family appropriate.  It didn’t really matter if our kids were “convenient” or not – – it’s what we did.  They were a part of us and we were a “WE”.   The reward comes when a grown child CHOOSES to still be a part of that “WE” even when it might not be “convenient” for him or her.

It is not always convenient to spend a little extra time with those we serve.  It is not always convenient to allow our hearts to feel deeply or to risk sadness; but, the wonderful caregivers and staff of Phoenix Home Care always seem to make that a priority.

I know that being inconvenienced has huge rewards in this life and for eternity.  As we care for those we serve; as we find time to connect with our Father; as we continue to make INCONVENIENT CARING a priority in 2015, I wish you all the very best of success.

I choose to spend this next year a part of the Phoenix WE.


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Angelique, LPN

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