Nina Boles, APC

Meet Nina Boles, APC Caregiver in the Independence region!

I love people, they bring joy to me; and hope to bring joy to them each and every time I come to their home.

From where I came it is a tremendous difference. Phoenix is amazing and really enjoy being here. Anything I need they always help me; honestly just a great company.

It’s a very nice, friendly company. Everyone is so nice and down to earth. Genuinely caring people in the entire office.

I hope I treat them the way they deserve to be treated, be sure to communicate and be passionate about their work. Always being there because the clients depend on me to be there for them each day; rain or shine.

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Christine C., RN

Meet Christine, a Registered Nurse from our Independence, MO region! We asked her, “What gives you the passion to do what you do?” She said,

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