occupational therapy session with senior woman

How Therapists Make a Difference On Our Home Health Care Team

Play a Critical Role In Patient Healing, Education, and Quality of Life

If you’re a physical therapist, occupational therapist, or a speech-language pathologist, you have an opportunity to start your career fresh beyond the walls of the hospitals, care facilities, and other clinical settings. You can make a deeper impact by working one-on-one in patients’ homes by supporting home health care services.

When working with patients at home, therapists get to use their expertise in unique ways. PTs, OTs, and SLPs can:

  1. Offer individualized care.
  2. Find creative solutions to help patients at home.
  3. Offer empowering patient education.

If you want to provide a higher level of care for patients, we’re looking for PTs, OTs, and SLPs to serve alongside our nurses in a home health care job.

Provide Individualized Treatment Plans For Home Health Care Patients

You’ve always believed that caring for patients is all about recognizing individuals’ needs. No two patients are the same, and yet you may end up relying on generic, textbook treatments in clinical settings due to the volume of patients you see and the small amount of time you can give to each of them.

However, home health care jobs for PTs, OTs, and SLPs give you breathing room to deeply consider the best approach for your patient. A home health care provider will assign you to a manageable list of patients, so your schedule isn’t pulling you in multiple directions at once.

You’ll be able to enter your patient’s home, sit beside them, and create a plan that is based on their condition, circumstances, environment, and specific needs. Therapists and nurses in home health care jobs feel like they can slow down time and patiently, carefully offer highly individualized solutions.

Use Your Creativity and Expertise to Make a Difference In Home Health Care

In a home health care setting, you’ll always have resources at your disposal to ensure your patient is getting the care they deserve. However, your solutions may look different from those you might administer in a clinical environment.

For example, physical therapists may develop exercises for a patient that they can practice in their own home with everyday objects and surroundings. An occupational therapist may be able to show a patient more meaningful skills through household routines, as opposed to simply explaining or simulating these skills in a healthcare setting. Speech-language pathologists may find that family and friends are available in the home for practicing communication skills with the patient, whereas clinic settings may not allow for authentic, real-world practice.

Team Phoenix’s therapists discover opportunities to demonstrate their expertise in fresh ways in our home health care jobs. Nurses and therapists in these roles find that they feel energized and fulfilled, knowing that they can leverage their knowledge and experience, no matter the circumstances.

Provide Meaningful Education For Patients Receiving Home Health Care

For many PTs, OTs, and SLPs, empowering your patients with the tools they need to make progress with their illnesses or injuries is a highlight of the job. You love seeing your patients take their health into their own hands. When you offer education and instruction on how patients can care for themselves, they feel more confident, proud, and hopeful about their circumstances.

In the home health care environment, the joy you feel when providing education feels even more impactful because you get to focus on helping them one-on-one. PTs, OTs, and SLPs who join Phoenix for a home health care role build close relationships that slowly evolve from dependence to independence, right before your eyes.

In a clinical setting, the large volume of patients, limits on your time, and other distractions tend to take away from seeing patients improve in real time. However, when you choose a home health care job, you can give your undivided attention to your patients and celebrate their achievements and comfort them during their challenges on an individual basis.

Many PTs, OTs, and SLPs find that Phoenix’s home health care services reignite the spark for helping others that brought them into the profession in the first place.

Consider a Phoenix Home Health Care Job to Make a Greater Impact

Every physical therapist, occupational therapist, and speech-language pathologist deserves the opportunity to feel re-energized about their profession. Phoenix Home Care & Hospice provides that opportunity.

Therapists and nurses in home health care jobs with Team Phoenix find the purpose, meaning, and joy that originally brought them to the allied healthcare field. You get to see the fruits of your labor in the eyes of grateful patients and families every day.

Make an impact on patients and fall in love with your job all over again by applying for a role in a home health care setting today. Visit our career page to get started.

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