nurse holding a elderly residents hand

How to Find Relief from “Caregiver Fatigue”

Only One Caregiver Service in Kansas and MIssouri Makes the Grade

If you’re a family caregiver, you’re in good company. According to the National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP, about 34.2 million Americans provided unpaid care to an adult age 50 or older in the last year. The same study showed that family caregivers spend an average of 24.4 hours per week providing care, while 25% spend 41 or more hours every week caring for their loved one.

Although it’s rewarding and some people feel obligated to do it, serving as a family caregiver can be stressful and difficult – and many suffer from “caregiver fatigue” as a result. But you don’t have to do it alone.

Home health care, private duty care, and hospice care can help support family caregivers’ important work, and, in the case of private duty care, offer respite care – an opportunity for family caregivers to rest, run errands, and handle their personal responsibilities.

Keep reading to learn how to find relief from caregiver fatigue with help from Phoenix Home Care & Hospice and our caregiver services staffed with compassionate and dedicated professionals.

How Do Our Services Help Family Caregivers?

If you haven’t worked for or with an organization like Phoenix before, you likely don’t know exactly how your loved one – and you – can benefit from our services. You may even be confused about the differences between them and how they could help you find relief from caregiver fatigue. Let’s compare three commonly confused services to clarify.

Home health care is designed to provide intermittent medical care for patients who are recovering from an illness, injury, or surgery, or who have recently received a new diagnosis. Patients get the help they need to live independently until they’re feeling better. Family caregivers may experience some mental relief simply knowing a skilled nurse is available to help. Your loved one’s physician orders home health care services, which can include skilled nursing, assistance with bathing and toileting, and physical or occupational therapy. However, home health care is not designed to deliver true respite care.

Hospice care, a service for patients facing a life-limiting illness who have chosen to forgo further treatment. Nurses, caregivers, and social workers visit hospice patients where they live, to ensure they’re as comfortable as possible through symptom management and end-of-life care. During your loved one’s visits with their hospice care team, you may be able to take a few minutes for yourself, but it does not truly provide respite care for family caregivers. You may, however, feel some relief knowing your loved one’s pain and symptoms are relieved despite their advancing disease.

For true respite care, family caregivers can rely on private duty care from Phoenix Home Care & Hospice. Private duty caregiver services allow you to choose for how long and how often our professional caregivers visit and help take care of your loved one and the tasks they complete while they’re with your loved one, such as bathing, dressing, meal preparation, light housekeeping, and companionship. Because you can rely on private duty caregiver services to keep your family member comfortable and safe, you can get the rest you deserve or time away to complete your own important tasks, like managing your own household, attending your own appointments, or even going to work.

With a professional caregiver caring for your loved one, their quality of life improves as they enjoy social interaction, healthful meals, and even a tidier home environment. You can work with your loved one’s assigned caregiver to ensure that your loved one receives the help they need to live a more fulfilled life. And your quality of life can improve, too, because you can dedicate more time to self care and other important responsibilities you’ve been juggling.
Which service or combination of services is right for your loved one? Contact us to learn more.

Putting an End to Caregiver Fatigue

You’ve taken on the noble task of helping your aging loved one live as independently as possible. To continue this important work, you need respite care so you can return to your caregiving feeling refreshed. Follow these tips to help prevent and relieve caregiver fatigue.

  • Request more information about or schedule private duty care for your loved one. Be honest about how often private duty caregiver services should visit; there’s no such thing as too frequent when it comes to getting the help you and your loved one need. You can even add private duty care to the home health care or hospice care your loved one receives from Phoenix.
  • Smartly utilize any time away from your caregiving duties to take care of yourself and the rest of your family. Schedule your own appointments and errands for the same day of the week every week to more easily manage your schedule.
  • Try not to feel guilty about neglecting other responsibilities. You’re only human and are doing your absolute best. Make it your mantra.
  • Choose healthful foods and get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Nourishing your body and getting adequate sleep will help you stay healthy and feel rejuvenated after long days of being a family caregiver.
  • Ask for help when you need it. Request that other family members assist you with providing care, such as simply watching TV or reading to your loved one. Their companionship can give you more time to yourself or to dedicate to other tasks.


Find Caregiver Fatigue Relief with Private Duty Care

To learn more about private duty care and how it can help you and your loved one, contact Phoenix Home Care & Hospice. One of our friendly team members will answer your questions, provide recommendations, and help you schedule visits with a professional caregiver from your community.

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