Message from Phil – Oct 2018

Recently, I was driving through the Kansas countryside and realized I never cease to be amazed to see the beautiful fields of sunflowers all pointing toward the sunshine.

“Heliotropism” – – what in the world is that word?

Mind you, I am a true Kansas boy…born and raised in the land of sunflowers. I have never been one to chew tobacco, but I have been known to pack in a mouthful of sunflower seeds.  The sunflower is an amazing creation of God.  It provides food, beauty, protection, pollination, oil and it even purifies the ground in which it grows.  But it is most famous for “heliotropism” which is the internal DNA of the plant to always face the sun!  Sunflowers rest at night, bowing their heads, only to rise early with the sun and chase it all day long.  The sunflower is the symbol for happiness and positivity.

Today – I thought about sunflowers as a great word picture to describe our field staff.

Our nurses, clinicians and caregivers too have a big dose of “heliotropism” in their DNA.

So, when the little boy is on a feeding tube, our nurse doesn’t focus on the apparatus, she looks into his deep blue eyes and finds the sun. 

When the knotted hands of arthritis cannot pick the pill out of the box marked “Tuesday”, the caregiver doesn’t sigh at the inconvenience, he sees the babies those hands once held and finds decades of bright rays.

And when the final breath slips from his lips, our Hospice nurse doesn’t see death but smiles with peace knowing he is facing his New Beginning.  

Heliotropism is not just for sunflowers.  It is a mindset that guides the positive behaviors of our field staff every day.

Today I realized that for the last two weeks, Phoenix (all of you) has cared for over 5,000 clients and patients per week. This is truly a huge milestone.  It is hard to imagine that we are now helping over 5,000 individuals per week realize their New Beginning of independence in their home.  This would not be possible without you; thank you!

Keep facing the sun!  Keep looking up!

Phil Melugin

Kimberly Melugin, Owner

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