Molly Wheeler, LPN

Meet Molly Wheeler, LPN in our St. Louis office, as she shares her love for home care!

“For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a pediatric nurse. I began as a CNA working in nursing homes and eventually as a home health aide. I worked full time in the same home while going to school for my LPN. I fell in love with home care because of the great amount of personal touch you can bring to the job and it’s truly like gaining a whole other family.”

“When I graduated from nursing school I stayed on with the home care company I was already employed with as an aide. I loved the company itself but they didn’t have many nursing cases. So, I took a job at a nursing home and quickly found out I wasn’t meant for that type of nursing, but I stayed because the demand for nurses in that field is very high. I changed jobs fairly often always hoping that “this one would be different” but, they never were. I craved that personal touch, and the demand on nurses in nursing homes just doesn’t allow for it. In October 2015, I applied with Phoenix, somewhat skeptical, but I immediately felt like I was “home” when I walked into their office for my interview, I just knew that this was meant for me.”

“You never know until you try, I haven’t regretted taking this opportunity with Phoenix Home Care even once.”

“The X-Factor means bringing the best care to our clients and their families that we possibly can.”

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