Amy Boyle

Meet Amy Boyle! Amy is an Advanced Personal Care Aide in the Independence, MO region!

We asked Amy to share with us what gives her the passion to do what she does. She said, “I love to take care of people. Just knowing that us being there keeps them home and not in a facility, makes it all worth it.”

We asked Amy, “Why Phoenix Home Care & Hospice?” She replied, “I like to be more one-on-one with my clients to be able to spend more time doing what makes them happy, and working for Phoenix home care makes it all possible.”

We asked Amy to share what she would like people to know who are contemplating a career with Phoenix. She said, “I would tell them it’s a wonderful company with great hours, good pay, and it’s nice to be able to do one-on-one with clients and to be able to make your own schedule.”

For Amy, the X-factor means, “…I’m able to share what I know and what I’ve learned with my clients and provide the care to the best of my ability so that I know my clients will be able to stay home. A little peace will come of their families knowing I’m there and I don’t have to worry.”

Interested in an opportunity to serve with Phoenix Home Care & Hospice like Amy? Apply today at or call/text a recruiter at 855-881-7442.

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Christine C., RN

Meet Christine, a Registered Nurse from our Independence, MO region! We asked her, “What gives you the passion to do what you do?” She said,

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