Dealing With Loneliness as We Age

For many people, our social circle gets smaller and smaller as we age. Family members move away, old friends have left town, or perhaps even passed away. The reality of life is that many of us have to fight feelings of isolation and loneliness. However, we don’t have to let it consume us. Today, the Phoenix Home Care team will share a few activities you can explore to keep social isolation at bay. 

Tips for Overcoming Loneliness in Old Age

Loneliness is a modern epidemic. According to a National Poll on Healthy Aging, approximately one in three seniors are lonely. Not only can chronic loneliness negatively impact our mental health, it can even hurt our physical well-being and life expectancy. So what do we do? Consider the following:

    • Search for a Group That Shares Your Passions – What is it that gets you excited? Maybe you never miss a Cardinals game, maybe you love to sing, or you are an avid reader. Whatever it is that gets you up in the morning, there is almost certainly a group of people who share and celebrate that activity. There are hundreds of resources available to find local groups online. You’re never too old to meet new friends and form new relationships with people who share your interests.
    • Adopt a Pet – If a group of people seems too overwhelming, maybe consider pet adoption. A pet will love you unconditionally and be a great addition to your family. Not only does a pet offer companionship, but taking care of your pet is an excellent way to get active and discover new meaning in your life. 
    • Look for Opportunities to Volunteer – Many people feel lonely because they no longer have a sense of purpose that motivates them to get out and live their life. One excellent way to develop a sense of purpose is by volunteering. Not only does volunteering give you the opportunity to give back to your community, it also gives you a chance to meet new people. 
  • Visit a Church – One excellent way to get involved in your local community is to visit a local church. This a great way to meet new people, and it also provides an opportunity to examine and reflect. Church leaders can talk with you to discuss why you are feeling lonely or any other reasons you may be down. 

Phoenix Home Care Has Trained Caregivers Available to You

If you need someone around the house to help you out and provide a social outlet, Phoenix Home Care has you covered. Our aides are trained to provide you with excellent assistance, while offering conversation and an ear to listen. We would love to hear from you. Contact the Independence, MO Office today at 816-307-0523.

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