Hobbies That Seniors Pick Up Late in Life

As we age, many of us find that some of the hobbies we have enjoyed throughout her life are no longer possible. Whether it’s because of limited mobility, changing circumstances, or changing preferences, it’s important to find replacement hobbies and stay active. Today, the expert senior care team at Phoenix Home Care would like to share a few healthy activities and hobbies we recommend to our patients.

The Best Hobbies Seniors Can Pick Up Today

1 – Gardening – Okay, so obviously December isn’t a great time to begin your gardening hobby. But in just a few short months it’ll be time to get out and begin planting. Gardening is a fantastic way to add a bit of activity into your daily life. Not only is it a proven way to relieve stress, but it also has an excellent payoff. There is nothing quite as satisfying as eating a fresh tomato you cultivated with your own hands. 

2 – Painting – Speaking of stress relief, painting creates a feeling of serenity that is unmatched. Not only is this an excellent creative outlet, it’s an opportunity for self-expression and meditation. You’ll find that your work quickly improves with each session, and soon you’ll have art you’ll be proud to hang up above your fireplace. 

3 – Dancing – You would be surprised how many senior-focused dance classes are available in your area. Dancing is both great for your social life as well as your physical well-being. Studies have shown that seniors who engage in regular dance have better joint health and balance — two areas many aging individuals struggle with.

4 – Cooking – Time to break out the knives and sharpen your culinary skills. Cooking a meal gives a great sense of achievement and provides the perfect opportunity to gather with the ones you love. Bring your family together with a weekly Sunday lunch, or prepare healthy meal plans for the week. Not only is cooking a fun activity, but it also saves you money.

5 – Traveling – What better way to spend your days than to see the parts of the world you always imagined. Not only does this allow you to get out and get active, but it can also be an excellent opportunity to be social. Risk of loneliness is higher as we get older. With the hundreds of coach bus tours, group vacations, and cruise vacations available, there is always somewhere to travel with a group of like-minded seniors.

Contact Phoenix Home Care Today

If you need a little help around the house, or just someone to provide some social interaction, Phoenix Home Care has experienced aides and home care specialists who are just a phone call away. Our team is highly-trained and ready to give you the assistance you need to start a new hobby at home. We are all about new beginnings, and we are available to help you achieve comfort and joy at home. Call us at 1-888-830-2388 or contact us to learn more. We look forward to hearing from you!

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