In-Home Care or Assisted Living: Making the Right Choice

Phoenix Home Care’s goal is to provide a healing environment in the comfort of your own home. Our in-home care team strives to make your situation as stress-free as possible without having to worry about an assisted living situation. Today’s blog from Phoenix Home Care discusses how to make the right choice when it comes to in-home care or assisted living.

Level of Care

Planning is a vital aspect of deciding which is better for you or your relative. How much care does your relative need? Start by making a list of everything your older adult needs on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Then it’s time to be realistic about how much care you, your family, friends, and neighbors can provide. Once you compare these two lists, you can have a better idea of what level of care your elderly relative needs in terms of in-home care or assisted living.

Access to Care

Now that you have an idea of how much care your elderly relative requires, you can determine what access to health care he or she needs. An assisted living facility has 24/7 access to medical care through the staff. In-home care is limited in that a nurse isn’t present in the building all of the time. However, an in-home care professional can train caregivers on what to do if certain situations arise.

Safety, Security, and Socialization

Assisted living facilities provide more than just medical care. There is safety and security because assisted living is specifically designed with seniors in mind. There’s usually a front desk and regular visiting hours to control access to residents. Many times, you’ll have a semi-private room that you share with another person. Social activities are also a priority in terms of making sure everyone spends time with their peers.

In-home health has these same features. Friends and relatives can come by and visit at any time, without restrictions. Elderly patients may feel safer and more secure in familiar surroundings. Relatives can make the dwelling safer with just a few modifications when it comes to equipment and mobility.


Costs are a major factor when it comes to in-home care versus assisted living. In-home care typically costs less than assisted living. But it depends on the level of care needed. If someone needs a lot of care, in-home costs may approach those of an assisted living facility. Our team can help you assess what’s the better choice for you when it comes to costs, what insurance can do, and the quality of care for you or your loved one.

Talk to Phoenix Home Care 

Perhaps starting with in-home care is the best option to start. But that may be different later on as your loved one’s safety, security, and access to care change over time. Our team will do everything we can to make every moment count at home! Contact Phoenix Home Care or call toll-free 1-888-830-2388 if you have questions about our in-home services.

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