Young woman serving dinner for elderly woman in living room. Senior people care

It’s Time to Reclaim Your Loved One’s Independence Through Private Duty Care

Our Compassionate Private Duty Caregivers Improve Your Loved One’s Quality of Life

It is a bittersweet feeling to remember the days when a loved one was a little younger, free of illness, and able to actively take good care of themselves. Lately, however, your loved one seems to need more and more care and attention to get by in daily life because of their healthcare needs. That’s difficult to witness. There are far too many aspects of living at home that they aren’t able to do for themselves, including transportation, cooking, and keeping up with housework.

Your loved one’s comfort and care matter to you. You want to ensure that all their needs are met when they’ve decided to remain in their own home, rather than transitioning to a higher level of care. But now you’re discovering that there’s another layer to your loved one’s care that needs to be addressed: their quality of life and independence.

Independence at this phase of your loved one’s life means relying on help where and when it’s needed. However, not all family caregivers are able to take care of their loved ones full time. They may need more support because of other responsibilities. In fact, even full-time family caregivers require breaks from caregiving to meet their own needs.

To help all family caregivers, Phoenix Home Care & Hospice offers private duty care, whether we can help for a few hours a day or 24/7. Our private duty caregivers are available now to ensure your loved one remains healthy, safe, and comfortable at home by delivering caregiving services that matter just as much as healthcare. Contact Phoenix to get started.

What Private Duty Caregivers Provide for Your Loved One

If your loved one’s health has prevented them from performing tasks of daily living in their home, their sense of independence and quality of life may have declined. It can be challenging to go from feeling capable to requiring help with tasks like meal planning and bathing.

Private duty care offers key services that provide support, while also empowering your loved one to remain as independent as they are able to be.

Private duty caregivers provide help with key tasks, including:

  • Meal planning.
  • Cooking.
  • Grooming and personal hygiene assistance.
  • Companionship and conversation.
  • Social opportunities and outings.
  • Transportation as needed.
  • Help with pets.
  • And much more.

With the help of Phoenix Home Care & Hospice private duty care services, your loved one will experience a sense of dignity and feel proud of their capabilities, while also getting necessary help to keep them safe and healthy.

What Private Duty Caregivers Provide for Family Caregivers

Some family caregivers are able to take care of their loved one’s needs every day and night without question. Other family caregivers need help delivering care to a loved one during certain hours of the day because of their work schedules or other responsibilities. There are also family members who wish they could help, but require a private duty caregiver every day for their loved one’s day-to-day living.

Private duty care includes respite care, which provides short-term relief for family caregivers. In this case, a family caregiver can hire Phoenix caregivers for a predetermined amount of time. This helps the family caregiver take time for themselves to decrease likelihood or speed of burnout.

Private duty caregivers near you from Phoenix are flexible to ensure we can meet the needs of many families. Our team is here to take away your stress and concern about your loved one’s care at home.

Partner with Phoenix for Your Loved One’s Care Journey

It’s not always possible to provide for your loved one around the clock, by yourself. The level of care they need is a significant challenge, especially if you have many other obligations and responsibilities, including your own family at home to take care of.

Phoenix Home Care & Hospice’s private duty caregivers develop a trusting, compassionate, respectful relationship with your loved one. Our goal is to ensure your loved one feels engaged and cared for, so that living at home with an illness isn’t a burden. Whether you require a private duty caregiver near you for a few hours a day, 24/7 care, or short-term respite care, our caregivers deliver the very best one-on-one care.

Allow Phoenix to be the caregiver, so you can focus on playing a role as a loving family member. Contact Phoenix Home Care & Hospice today to schedule a consultation about private duty care and find out how Phoenix can improve your loved one’s quality of life.

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