Jeffrey Joslin, RN

Today we would like to spotlight Jeffrey Joslin, RN from our Springfield Home Health team. He has been with Phoenix Home Care and Hospice for three years.  

We asked Jeff, what does the X-Factor mean to you? (The X-Factor is the personal and professional abilities of our nurses and caregivers to use their experience, orientation to serve, skill set, optimism, passion & honesty to bring the very best care to our clients and their families.) 

He answered, “X-Factor to me is using all of the tools you have in your toolbox to give our clients the best care that you possibly can. Everyone has different experiences and skill sets to draw on. We bring those together to make the care better than if we were working alone.” 

In his free time, you can find him raising animals on his farm or playing guitar.  

Jeff does a great job of reflecting our core values of patience, honesty, and compassion. We are thankful to have him on team Phoenix! 

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