Jodie Briley-Robertson

Meet Jodie Briley-Robertson, an outstanding nurse in our Joplin region!

“I have the opportunity to give back. Knowing the work I do has the potential to impact and possibly change someone’s life is so rewarding.”

“Phoenix gave me the opportunity to further my knowledge and skills as well as allowing me to have more one on one time with my patients, ensuring them with the best care possible.”

“The X-Factor to me is knowing each and every single day I wake up I am blessed with another opportunity to go to a job that I love and have the opportunity to make a difference in this little girl’s life each and every single day I am finding new ways to better myself because of her. Nothing fills your heart like getting to watch a child grow and meet milestones and overcome some of life toughest battles. I am so thankful I get to be apart of this and team Phoenix.”

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Angelique, LPN

Congratulations to Angelique, our Springfield office’s latest Nurse of the Month! Angelique has been with Phoenix since 2022, and we have been privileged to have

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