Leadership Blog for April, 2014

Have you ever really gone through the pictures on your phone?

I flipped through mine the other day.  I had some time to kill and just started traveling through them.  There were several dozen pictures.  It was like journeying back through the past year of my life.  I caught myself smiling.  Memories flooded my thoughts.  I was totally in the moment as I recalled the feelings associated with each documented event: soccer games, hunting trips, special holidays, celebrations at work, a vacation, the farm, skiing, a boat ride….People I cared about smiled back at me.  Occasions I didn’t want to forget were protected.

Related Post: Message from Phil – Nov 2019

Memories are Special

Each little consumed segment of my phone’s memory was special – – because it was directly connected to my own real memory. I think about the homes we are invited to enter each day.  There are always pictures in these homes.  They are preserved memories of weddings, graduations, vacations, family gatherings, newborn babies.  They are pictures of good times, better times, times of great joy.  If you are ever lucky enough to be included in one of your client’s treasured pictures, you are living your purpose and the purpose of Phoenix Home Care.

Hang on to Those Moments

As our youngest is preparing to graduate high school and go to KU to play soccer I have become very empathic about parents and how we want to hang on to every precious moment.

Related Post: Message from Phil – Labor Day

What Would be on Mary’s Phone?

In this month of Easter I have been thinking about a specific and very special mother – – Mary.  What photos would be in her phone?  Twelve men eating dinner with her son?  Her beloved boy washing others’ feet with the heart of a servant?  A rolled away stone?  (Matthew 28:6 “He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.”)    The wings of an angel?  I am sure she would smile as she recalled the glorious love and everlasting peace that was made possible by His death and resurrection. What will you take pictures of this month?  What pictures will you be in?

Kimberly and I feel very blessed to get to work with each of you.

Phil Melugin
President, Owner

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