Phoenix Home Care Honors LPN Carolyn Conn

At Phoenix Home Care, we take great pride in our nurses! We would like to take a moment to honor Carolyn Conn, LPN who has been a Phoenix Employee since June 2013!

“My Phoenix work is an incredible joy. I will be forever grateful to Phoenix for the children I’ve taken care of. The children are amazing, they are miracles, and just perfect to me. I absolutely love that Phoenix wants the very best care for their kiddos.”

“Also, phoenix is an exceptional professional company and 100% caring company. I’ve always found that Phoenix is just a phone call away if I have a problem to solve or need advice. Besides the skill of nursing, another reason I love my job is it is so much fun to be creative in helping your child progress and have fun.”

Thank you, Carolyn, for being such an incredible nurse to your clients! !

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