Phoenix Home Care Talks About Games to Play at Home

We’re going through trying times. The Coronavirus has led to stay-at-home orders, social distancing, and scary headlines about new cases. Phoenix Home Care is doing everything we can to combat the spread of COVID-19 while keeping you safe. 

You may be stuck at home, but that doesn’t mean you have to be bored! Today’s blog from Phoenix Home Care outlines some fun games to play at home during stay-at-home orders amid the Coronavirus outbreak.


Put your wordsmithing wits to the test by unscrambling up to seven tiles of letters and placing them on a board either vertically or horizontally. You build on each word laid down, some letters are worth more points than others, and a 300 is considered an excellent score. This classic board game is for up to four players.


Parcheesi is another classic board game as you try to move four pieces around a board and get them home. Put two pieces on the same spot on the board to block others from following the same route. The first person to get all four pieces home wins.


Kismet uses up to six dice to complete certain sets of rolls on a scorecard. After the first roll, you can keep dice or reroll them. By your third roll, you decide what type of roll you completed. 

For example, you roll six dice and get three 4s, a 2, a 1, and a 6. You can scoop up the non-4 dice and reroll them to try to get more 4s. By your third roll, you get points for each set you complete. The person with the most points at the end of filling out the scorecard wins. Staff at Phoenix Home Care can help you set up a table at home to play, if you need us to.

Card Games

Phoenix Home Care staff are fans of many types of games, and cards offer such a versatile way to play with just 52 cards! Try classic card games you can play with an ordinary deck of cards, such as Spades, Pinochle, Bridge, Canasta, and Poker. More modern games include Uno, Skip-Bo, and Concentration, with special sets you can purchase.

Video Games

Video games can be fun for everyone in the house! There are games with cute animals, ones with a similar format for popular game shows, and others that allow connectivity to play with others remotely. Video games are extremely popular right now, and the staff at Phoenix Home Care can recommend games for you or your family to play if you already have a game console at home.

Phoenix Home Care: Here for You

Phoenix Home Care understands what you’re going through. We’re all in this together, and we’re here to help.

Our staff is committed to helping you or your loved one upon discharge from the hospital. We’ll assist you with medication and grocery pickup, run errands and go shopping for you, prepare meals, assist you with personal hygiene tasks, and perform basic housekeeping. We’re ready to meet this challenge during these trying times.

Contact Phoenix Home Care or call toll-free 1-855-881-7442 for more details on how we can make your stay at home easier.

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