Spotlight Lisa Bower, Caregiver from Springfield

Spotlight on Lisa Bower, Caregiver, from the Springfield Phoenix Home Care office.

Lisa’s passion to be a caregiver comes from being able to give someone the ability to live their life with more independence and knowing that she can assist them to achieve that goal is an honor that she deems very high.
She enjoys home care because it is a unique experience with each client and their families. “A glimpse of a client in a very different atmosphere, their home, how they spend their lives I have learned a great deal from this,” she says.
“I have the up most respect for Phoenix Home Care, their core values center around everything I would want in a home care for myself. The treatment of their clients and employees are excellent! I would highly recommend all to join our team.”
Lisa looks at the XFactor as what sets Phoenix Home Care above and beyond all other companies.

Lisa, thank you for all you do for ?#?teamphoenix?!!

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