Spotlight on Jessica Holton, LPN – St. Louis

What gives you the passion to do what you do?
Peds is my passion! I have learned so much from the kids I have taken care of. No matter the situation or diagnosis, they are always smiling and live every moment in their life to the fullest. No matter how bad of a day you’re having, you are constantly reminded that it could be worse and more than likely, they have it worse than you.
Why Home Care, Why Phoenix?
I chose home health care and especially Phoenix because it’s mostly pediatrics. Home health care gives you the ability to be in that child’s comfort zone and allows you to take care of them where they are most at ease. Home health provides the opportunity to not only care for the patient but be a invaluable asset to the family.
What would you like to tell others contemplating working at Phoenix Home Care?
Phoenix Home Health is a Company like no other. The opportunities and cases that have been offered to me throughout my career are cases that most pediatric nurses can only imagine. I have cared for children of all ages and have formed amazing relationships with not only my patients, but their family as well.
 What does the X Factor mean to you?
Throughout my years at Phoenix in St. Louis, I have grown not only as a nurse but as a person in general. My nursing abilities have drastically increased. I have learned everything from trachs to ventilators and in doing so, made myself more confident in my skills to care for my patients.
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