Bryan Armado Paiz Sunsin is 9 years old and lives in Parcelas with his parents Dolores Sunsin and Armando Paiz. They are a low-income family living in a small house with only basic water and electricity. His father is a laborer and his mother is a housewife.
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Bryan has cerebral palsy and is unable to walk and talk. He weighs 44 lbs and has been diagnosed with child malnutrition. He was taken to the feeding center where he received nutritious milk, vegetables, and cereals. Bryan has monthly heath care visits, receives daily medicine delivery, rehabilitation and monitoring of daily food.
At each visit to the child feeding center, recovery is highly valued. His mom is grateful to Rainbow Network for giving Bryan the attention he needed to recover from malnutrition and to successfully manage to keep improving his nutritional status.
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Now Bryan weighs 50 pounds. He attends fourth grade and is fed at the feeding center in Parcelas. His family is very grateful and blessed that Rainbow Network has helped their child, who needed food assistance for a better life.