nurse having fun with little girl on a wheelchair.

The Benefits of Being a Pediatric Nurse in Home Care

Why Nurses Like You Opt to Care for Children with Specialized Healthcare Needs, Wherever They Live

Private duty nurses enrich the quality of life of the patients they serve and reap a host of benefits not often found in hospital-based roles. Not only is working in home care a refreshing change of scenery, but it’s also rewarding!

If you’ve been considering a nursing job outside of the NICU or pediatric unit, considering these four important reasons to make the switch to pediatric home care (private duty nursing) can help you with your decision.

Working in Pediatric Home Care Changes Lives

One of the main reasons you originally chose to be a nurse was probably because you felt called to help people during their most vulnerable and difficult times. Later, you discovered that your patients left a profound impact on your own life.

As a nurse who cares for infants, children, and youth, you aren’t only making a difference for your young patients. You’re also changing the lives of their parents or guardians who entrust you with what is most precious to them.

Krystin M., a Team Phoenix LPN, explains: “These kiddos have left a huge impact on my life already, and I have learned so much… I feel like I have grown as a person.”

Working in pediatric home care adds another layer to your impact; your nursing care enables families to stay home together, in a comforting and familiar environment. Your presence enables family caregivers to step back and take time away for themselves to practice self-care and focus on their other responsibilities, such as work, other children, or household tasks.

Pediatric Nurse Jobs in Home Care Services Are Flexible

Not all nurses enjoy hospital shifts, and they seek out opportunities to share their talents with an organization that offers more flexible work schedules. At Team Phoenix, pediatric nurses (and nearly everyone else on our team) can create their preferred schedules based on their client load and availability.

According to data from a quality of worklife study that was published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, employees changing or managing their own schedule decreased job stress by 20% and increased the likelihood of job satisfaction by 62%.

Jennifer B., an RN specializing in pediatric nursing at Phoenix Home Care & Hospice, says: “I love working for Phoenix due to the flexibility as a PRN private duty nurse! The variety of patients we care for is vast and always a new challenge and opportunity for growth.”

You Aren’t Limited to Working in the NICU

With private duty nursing, you can take your career outside the hospital. Phoenix pediatric nurses work in their communities, caring for patients where they live.

Because you can provide one-on-one care during your visits, you don’t have to worry about the distractions and stressors that come with working in a NICU at your local hospital, like caring for multiple patients at one time, while juggling other role-related responsibilities.

As a pediatric home care nurse, you’ll have access to all the support you need from our leadership while you use the nursing skills you’ve honed over the years, helping families and children in your community. Working in a non-traditional setting can be a breath of fresh air for experienced nurses, where they can enjoy unique experiences caring for their patients.

Pediatric Nurses Become Part of Their Patient’s Family

For as much as a NICU nurse bonds with infants in their care, pediatric private duty nurses have an even greater opportunity. In fact, because you’re providing care where your young patients live, you have the chance to build strong relationships with them and their family members as you give them peace of mind.

Our patients’ loved ones and our nursing team members report that they feel like they’re all one big family, as they collaborate to keep infants, children, and youth as healthy as possible while they live with specialized care needs. As a pediatric nurse providing in home care, you’ll really get to know your patients over a longer term.

As Team Phoenix LPN Carolyn C. says: “I will forever be grateful to Phoenix for the children I’ve taken care of. The children are amazing. They are miracles and just perfect to me. I absolutely love that Phoenix wants the very best care for their kiddos.”

Are You a Compassionate Pediatric Nurse Looking for the Right Career Fit?

If you love caring for children with specialized and sometimes complex care needs, there’s a pediatric nursing job for you, in your community, with Phoenix Home Care & Hospice. We’re hiring pediatric nurses in Missouri and Illinois. Apply for a position on our website.

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